Pakistani Rupee(PKR) To Kenyan Shilling(KES)
This is the page of Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Kenyan Shilling (KES) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Kenyan Shilling(KES) To Pakistani Rupee(PKR).
22000 PKR
10222.728 KES
22000 Kenyan Shilling To Pakistani Rupee
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 18,2025 19:05 UTC
Full history please visit PKR/KES History
Convert Pakistani Rupee(PKR) To Kenyan Shilling(KES)
1 PKR = | 0.46467 KES | 2.15207 PKR = | 1 KES |
2 PKR = | 0.92934 KES | 4.30413 PKR = | 2 KES |
5 PKR = | 2.32335 KES | 10.76034 PKR = | 5 KES |
10 PKR = | 4.64669 KES | 21.52067 PKR = | 10 KES |
15 PKR = | 6.97004 KES | 32.28101 PKR = | 15 KES |
20 PKR = | 9.29339 KES | 43.04135 PKR = | 20 KES |
25 PKR = | 11.61674 KES | 53.80169 PKR = | 25 KES |
50 PKR = | 23.23347 KES | 107.60337 PKR = | 50 KES |
Pakistani Rupee(PKR) To Kenyan Shilling(KES) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Pakistani Rupee | Kenyan Shilling |
Friday 17/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10226.29496 KES |
Thursday 16/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10217.24788 KES |
Wednesday 15/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10227.88282 KES |
Tuesday 14/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10223.41085 KES |
Monday 13/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10223.57387 KES |
Sunday 12/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10225.50339 KES |
Saturday 11/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10225.50339 KES |
Friday 10/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10225.20528 KES |
Thursday 09/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10217.38678 KES |
Wednesday 08/01/2025 | 22000 PKR = | 10232.07971 KES |
Full history please visit PKR/KES Exchange Rates History
Convert 22000 Pakistani Rupee(PKR) to other currencies
Popular Pakistani Rupee(PKR) Pairing
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